Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 1: Should I or Shouldn't I ...Join??

So I've been hearing everyday for the whole summer on the radio about this "non-dating" service group who plans events for singles in the Nashville area. So...I look up their website to find out more about them. Whoa!! They've got a fantastic list of events that sound like so much I call for more information thinking, "What the heck? I should at least find out about the "non-dating" service! So I call. They call me back. They set up an "interview" for me. Hey, shouldn't I be interviewing them?? So the big day comes when I go meet the crew who will help me find Mr. Right, although not by dating him. Remember, they're not a "dating service." Enter Adventure Girl at 10th Ave South at Cummins Station. I'm almost late so I ask the cute receptionist boy for the suite number (I did NOT tell him where I was going). Needless to say, he asked anyway. Humiliated, I told him the name of the "non-dating" service. On the way to the elevator another guy asks where I'm going. I reluctantly tell him and he gives me advice on another "activities" group in town. So, I'm in the building for 2 minutes and already I'm talking to new guys!! Do I really need this "singles" club??! In I walk to the office where I'm met by a nice lady who proceeds to tell me all about the singles club and how I am as "cute as pie." She doesn't understand why I haven't already found Mr. Right. Automatically...feeling pretty good! Then she asks me what ''m doing to meet guys. In my head, I'm questioning my philosophy on dating. Will God bring me the right guy through a "non-dating" service such as this or will Mr. Right enter Kroger the next time I'm grocery shopping and we'll casually run into each other in either the fruit aisle or the Mint Oreo aisle??? I'm not sure, but back to the question at hand, "What am I doing to meet guys?" "Nothing," I reply. I hang out with my single girlfriends or other girlfriends who have boy friends. Wrong answer. So, officially I''m the 3rd wheel--not a great way to meet guys, she tells me. So, anyway, she tells me how great the "non-dating" service can meet good guys there who "are employed, heterosexual, non-felony-committing guys who have their own homes--you get kicked out if you still live at home." Yep, that's right--you can get kicked out for living at home with the 'rents. Anyway, she asks me all these questions about if things were perfect in "Adventure Girl Land," where would I meet Mr. Right, when would I marry him, what would we do in our spare time...." I answer all the questions. I get to the end of the interview. Do I really want to do this?? Am I really this desparate?? I hate to think of myself as desparate, but really, I work with 50+ year old married people and go to a singles' class where half the people in the class are engaged or are in a "serious relationship." The rest... I'm just not that interested in. Call me picky. I call it a defense mechanism! So, do I join?? "What can it hurt?" I think. At least I'll have some fun activities to attend and maybe I'll find some new guy friends. So...I joined. Tune in next time when I've actually been to an event and met potential "guy friends" or potential "Mr. Right"....

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